HI! My name is Angie. I am a sugar addict.
Soooo, you heard about this sugar free thing. You heard about this super low carb thing. BUT, I bet you are saying something like..."I can't do that", "Are you crazy", "Who lives like that", or most importantly... "I NEED DESSERT!!!!"
Yep, I have said all of those. When I started considering this lifestyle, I took about 6 weeks to research, learn, and plan. Well, let me be totally honest, I really did all of that research so I could have Thanksgiving, my birthday, and Christmas without any guilt!! I made the decision in November that something had to be done, but who wants to give up all of the yumminess of the holidays?? So I set the goal date of December 26th...brilliant move on my part!!
So to answer the above questions... Yes, YOU CAN do it, I did! Yes, I probably am crazy, but that is nothing new, and probably the same for YOU. Yes, I live like that, so can YOU!
But, most importantly, the desserts??? Now that I have about 7 months of living this way under my belt, I have learned that I can eat sugar free and super low carb AND eat desserts!! I actually have dessert EVERY NIGHT!!!!!! No joke, every single night.
My first desserts were pretty simple. Sugar free gelatin, quick, easy, low calorie! This is still a staple in my fridge. Grab and go, pack in a lunch, easy!
Then I found MOUSSE... OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! This is still an all time favorite. 2 cups of whipping cream and 1 box of sugar free instant pudding. Mix and whip and it turns into a mousse. I love the chocolate, and banana cream, and white chocolate, and creamcheese. Oh, who am I kidding, I love any flavor!! I have even used the mousse as pie filling with a pecan pie crust. AWESOME.
Now, there are a few problems with the mousse. First, it is pretty high in calories. No sugar, no carbs, but high calories. Secondly, it should make 4 servings, but, I just can't portion this yummy stuff out. Lastly, my family steals it! No joke, everybody loves it so if I do portion it out, it is gone by the next time I go to the fridge.. little thieves!!
Later in my journey, I found smoothies!! Sugar free gelatin, water, ice and one tablespoon of whipping cream (dissolve gelatin in 1/3c water, add another 1/3 cup and stir, pour over ice and cream in a blender and blend) Super easy, low calorie, no sugar and no carb. Tons of flavor options, too. Any type of sugar free gelatin works. These are great to make ahead and pull them out of the freezer for convenience.
Nut candy bars are an amazing option! Peanut butter (I use powdered) and nuts, yum!! I keep them in the freezer. I have even one up'ed these, melted some sugar free chocolate chips and dipped them in it. Seriously though, who doesn't LOVE peanut butter and chocolate?!?!? (Here is where I found the recipe I use: http://healthyindulgences.net/2008/07/sugar-free-low-carb-candy-bars-really/)
Then came chocolate chip cookies. I posted that recipe in an earlier blog. The problem I have with cookies is the same problem some people have with potato chips. Can you really just eat one?? I found FatSnax on Amazon, they were great, too, and already packaged so really convenient. Unfortunately, I had the same problem... ONE??? ummm, nope, can't do it!!
Now my latest evening dessert... CAKE! Chocolate chip cake mug cake. 90 seconds in the microwave and done!
I have even gone one step further. I added all of the dry ingredients into baggies. When I am ready to make a cake, I add that to 1 egg, a splash of vanilla, and 5 tablespoons whipping cream. It is delicious just like that, but doesn't every cake need frosting???
I drizzle about a tablespoon of sugar free chocolate syrup on top. I have decided I like these cakes best when they are cold from the fridge because the chocolate syrup hardens and it is like a candy coating! (here is the recipe I use for the mug cake: https://sugarfreelondoner.com/keto-chocolate-chip-mug-cake/)
So, see??? You really can have your sugar free low carb cake, AND eat it too!! Every night if you want to!!! I do!!! I keep all of my meals really low carb to make sure to save up for whatever dessert I want for the night. And the best part.... not one little ounce of guilt!!
Soooo, you heard about this sugar free thing. You heard about this super low carb thing. BUT, I bet you are saying something like..."I can't do that", "Are you crazy", "Who lives like that", or most importantly... "I NEED DESSERT!!!!"
Yep, I have said all of those. When I started considering this lifestyle, I took about 6 weeks to research, learn, and plan. Well, let me be totally honest, I really did all of that research so I could have Thanksgiving, my birthday, and Christmas without any guilt!! I made the decision in November that something had to be done, but who wants to give up all of the yumminess of the holidays?? So I set the goal date of December 26th...brilliant move on my part!!
So to answer the above questions... Yes, YOU CAN do it, I did! Yes, I probably am crazy, but that is nothing new, and probably the same for YOU. Yes, I live like that, so can YOU!
But, most importantly, the desserts??? Now that I have about 7 months of living this way under my belt, I have learned that I can eat sugar free and super low carb AND eat desserts!! I actually have dessert EVERY NIGHT!!!!!! No joke, every single night.
My first desserts were pretty simple. Sugar free gelatin, quick, easy, low calorie! This is still a staple in my fridge. Grab and go, pack in a lunch, easy!
Then I found MOUSSE... OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! This is still an all time favorite. 2 cups of whipping cream and 1 box of sugar free instant pudding. Mix and whip and it turns into a mousse. I love the chocolate, and banana cream, and white chocolate, and creamcheese. Oh, who am I kidding, I love any flavor!! I have even used the mousse as pie filling with a pecan pie crust. AWESOME.
Now, there are a few problems with the mousse. First, it is pretty high in calories. No sugar, no carbs, but high calories. Secondly, it should make 4 servings, but, I just can't portion this yummy stuff out. Lastly, my family steals it! No joke, everybody loves it so if I do portion it out, it is gone by the next time I go to the fridge.. little thieves!!
Later in my journey, I found smoothies!! Sugar free gelatin, water, ice and one tablespoon of whipping cream (dissolve gelatin in 1/3c water, add another 1/3 cup and stir, pour over ice and cream in a blender and blend) Super easy, low calorie, no sugar and no carb. Tons of flavor options, too. Any type of sugar free gelatin works. These are great to make ahead and pull them out of the freezer for convenience.
I have even gone one step further. I added all of the dry ingredients into baggies. When I am ready to make a cake, I add that to 1 egg, a splash of vanilla, and 5 tablespoons whipping cream. It is delicious just like that, but doesn't every cake need frosting???
I drizzle about a tablespoon of sugar free chocolate syrup on top. I have decided I like these cakes best when they are cold from the fridge because the chocolate syrup hardens and it is like a candy coating! (here is the recipe I use for the mug cake: https://sugarfreelondoner.com/keto-chocolate-chip-mug-cake/)
So, see??? You really can have your sugar free low carb cake, AND eat it too!! Every night if you want to!!! I do!!! I keep all of my meals really low carb to make sure to save up for whatever dessert I want for the night. And the best part.... not one little ounce of guilt!!
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