30 day Zero Carb- After Day 1

So after a lot of research, a lot of reflection, and a lot of personal frustration, I decided that I was going to try to go ZC from my LCSF (low carb, sugar free) current way of living.  ZC is zero carb, also the same principle as the meat and water diet, the cheeseburger diet, or the carnivore diet. 

I like using the term ZC over any of the other names for the plan. WHY? Because some of the other plans just sound, well, cookey!! Seriously, what normal, intelligent, educated human being would live  a lifestyle following a cheeseburger diet?!?!  Well, I'm trying it!! Growing up on a farm, access to amazingly delicious fresh beef and eggs, I am all over this plan!!

So, let me briefly elaborate and explain. 

ZC is just what it sounds like.  Zero carbohydrates.  Animal based foods are zero carb.  Beef, pork, bacon, butter, eggs, chicken, turkey, etc.... High protein and fat, zero carbs.  As much as you need, no calorie counting or portioning, just eat meats and cheese until you are full.  Total and complete detox from all sugars, sugar substitutes, and carbohydrates.  Drinks consist of water, tea and coffee.  No sweeteners in the drinks either.  Easy, right?? 

Well, yes and no.  Yes, easy food choices, easy planning, but NO, no sweet stuff... at all! Let me be honest, I dread that I will be back to sweet withdrawls, keto flu symptoms, cravings, all of the yucky parts of breaking the addiction. I already did this, I already suffered through that stuff, I beat that darn sugar once already!!  Here I thought I was doing the right thing by switching to sugar free stuff, I had no idea I would be back to the same place I was when I originally tried to kick sugar to the curb!

After ONE day of this, I realized just how badly the cravings were!! I wanted dessert last night soooooo very badly!!!  I was full, I had eggs, ground beef, cheese, bacon, deliciousness all day!!  But even after eating the most wonderfully filling meals, I wanted sweets.  And dang it, I failed!!

I caved, I blew it, I had to have something sweet.  I ran to one of my sweet concoction go-tos: coconut oil, peanut butter powder, sugar free chocolate chips and nuts.  I was shocked at the lack of will power I had after working so hard for so long.  It was the same feeling I had 8 months ago!! I am having to start all over again, double dang it!!

So, I named my next food experiment of ZC for 30 days 'Strict September', so I was able to justify caving to my cravings last night because it wasn't officially September yet!  Amazing what addicts can use as excuses.  Well, since today is September, I don't have an excuse anymore.  Time to really fight the cravings!

I will keep you posted on my Strict September findings and results! 

