Getting Started,,,again!

My name is Angie and I am a sugar addict.  It truly is my 'drug' of choice.

Rewind to November/December of 2017.  I decided I could not live the way I was living anymore.  I was over weight, on blood pressure meds, and my blood sugars were getting into the pre-diabetic stage.  I was fat, unhealthy, and miserable.

Fast forward to July/August of 2018.  I was living the keto low carb sugar free (LCSF) lifestyle and LOVING IT!!!!   I was down 70 pounds, off of blood pressure meds and my blood sugars were PERFECT!  Wearing sizes of clothing I hadn't worn since I was twelve.  Feeling great, looking great, and all the way around healthy!!

Here we are today, October of 2019.  One year later I have gained nearly all of the weight back, back on blood pressure meds, and the blood sugars are rising.  Nothing fits, uncomfortable in my own skin, fat, unhealthy and miserable again.  Add to that I am ashamed and embarrassed of how far I had come and let it all slip away! ughhhhhhhh

What led to this slide:  Complacency!  The old fat girl mentality!  Yep, MYSELF!!!  I let my old brain take over!!!  When I hit a happy weight, I decided to "treat" myself, because 'one' couldn't hurt.  Well 1 led to more, and more, and more and more! I let the sugars and carbs back in.  School started and that DAM teacher's lounge always had junk in it.  Then Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas candy and I was in a downward spiral.  Headed to the bottom fast.

As I am getting started again, I had to reflect on how I started to be successful the last time.  Thank goodness for my fitbit app!  I scrolled back to a happy time, before I let it slip away.  I returned to what I was eating when I started out on this journey.  What were my take aways...

1. WATER... drink it like it is your JOB!!!!  You/I have got to drink AT LEAST your weight in ounces of water!  Every. Single. Day!!!  Flush the toxins, feel full, and get the metabolism cranking at full throttle!
Image result for wednesday weight loss funny water
2.  THE INCREDIBLE EDIBLE EGG...  My meal plan is based mostly on meat, eggs, and cheese.  I feel so bad for those that do not like eggs.  It is a low cal, low/no carb, full of protein super food.  Omelets, breakfast burritos, breakfast pizza, cream cheese pancakes were all staples in the foods I ate daily.  So filling.  So cheap. So versatile. So good for you!

3.  BEEF, ITS WHATS FOR DINNER...I spend my summer and most weekends trying to help at my parent's farm.  We raise cattle, the kids are in 4H, and I love the moos!  In exchange, I get to eat some of the best beef anywhere!!!  "Organic/free range" or "100% Angus" is NOT BETTER!!  That Angus thing on commercials just ticks me off.  It just means the meat came from a mostly black cow.  It could be an old cow, different breed, whatever, but just black.  NOT Angus, NOT BETTER!!!  (truth, ask a meat packer!!)  Organic/free range, that one bugs me too!  I would put any one of our steaks against any "organic" piece of meat any day!!  Free range???  What the heck??  Where do you think farm cattle are???  That just means they are in a pasture eating grass.  Why pay more for something that isn't as tasty!!??

Ok, off of my beef soapbox!  Anywhoooo.  Beef is GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!  Another fairly inexpensive, versatile, protein packed food.  Pizza burgers, meatballs, enchiladas, taco salads!!  Yummmm!!!!  Along with any other of the meats, they are so filling!  Keep you full and are good for you.  I hate that "watch your red meat", my cholesterol was perfect when my LCSF foods were meats and bacon!!!!  Don't even try to take away my hamburger!!!  Another definite staple in my meals.

4.  LETTUCE GET THIS STRAIGHT... I am NOT a veggie person.  I never have been and honestly, never will be!  I have tried over the years to learn to like them, but I just can't!  However, I loved to load up on lettuce.  I realize there is not a lot of great nutritional values in it, but it is a HUGE filler!!  It adds bulk to your foods which bulks up your digestion to keep things moving.  I love wraps for lunch, turkey, bacon, cheese and a LOT of lettuce on a Joseph's lavash bread makes a great low carb, low calorie and filling lunch.  I just wish lettuce had a longer shelf life so I didn't have to go to the store so often.

5. MY KITCHEN IS MY BEST FRIEND...this is easy.  Your food is more important than your activity.  You can spend hours working out, but if you eat like crap, you won't lose a thing.  Yes, you need exercise.  Yes, it tones muscles.  But you have to have the food right to make your body right.

6.  SLEEP, THE SILENT SABOTEUR...I can see when 95% of my bad choices have occurred.  Yep, when I am tired.  As my kids are getting older, going to bed when I am tired instead of their bedtime is getting easier.  I can take a nap and they are good at fending for themselves for an hour.  However, they have way more activities and practices to run to which makes being able to go to bed when I am tired more difficult.  Late evening practices when I have this J.O.B. thing that gets in the way.  Early wake up times and late evenings means by Thursday, momma is running on LOW!  Again, bad choices happen and the downward spiral is on.

So, here I go again.  Armed with my take-aways.  Ready to get back to healthy.  Ready to get back to happy.  Ready to watch the scale drop and the clothes sizes go down. 
