3 Week Update and Reflection. KETO VS WW

3 Week Update and Reflection.

Hi All!! Welp, started WW or weight watchers 3 weeks ago today. The worst thing I can say is I MISS CHEESE AND BUTTER!!!! Switching from these being keto staples, to them being higher points, they are now the fruits I missed when I was LCSF!!! Not that I can't have them with WW, just much smaller amounts!
Chicken breast with ham and cheese, rolled in corn flakes is one of my absolute favorite dinners

I actually eat the exact same breakfast (Josephs pita with turkey sausage, eggs and cheese) and lunch (lavash bread with turkey, bacon, cheese, and lettuce) as I did before. Dinners and snacks have changed a bit, having apples, bananas, potatoes and corn which were all Keto NO NO's.

I was remembering back to my first week on LCSF (low carb sugar free) and how quickly the weight dropped. I was down 10 pounds in the first 4 days. I was getting frustrated with the slower drop on the scale with ww. So I had to go back into my tracker from 2 years ago. With the exception of the first 4 days LCSF, I am actually losing at the same pace as I did then!!! I was shocked at that! Losing about 10 pounds a month on average. I shouldn't be frustrated, I guess the numbers are dropping well!!

There is one key difference in the pacing...the HOLIDAYS!!! When I started LCSF, I started on December 26th. AFTER indulging in whatever I wanted for Christmas. I considered it my last hoorah of naughty foods before I started. With WW, I started the week before Christmas. It helped tone down the crazy Christmas binges with 4 family get togethers!! I did indulge in a few things and the scale was up a bit, but I made much better choices (except for the red cake!!)
Before, then after, now I'm back to before

Having "zero point foods" on WW is just like having the Keto staples. Building meals around those foods. No matter if I am counting points or carbs, there is tracking and logging on both programs. Instead of finding low carb options, I am now looking for low point options!! Which, a lot of low carb options are good ww options too. Eggs and chicken are zero's on ww, which is always good!!
hard boiled eggs using the EGGLETTES--go to for both plans

My biggest realization....bad, naughty foods are naughty no matter what!!! DUHHHHH!!!!!! Comfort foods, fast food, cookies, ice cream, donuts.... This is where maintenance will be my challenge FOREVER!!! When I fell off of the WW wagon about 13 years and 2 kids ago, fell off the LCSF wagon a year ago, what did I go back to???? Yep, the naughty stuff. Maintenance FAILS!!!! The 2 times in my adult life I had worked hard to get my body into a healthy spot, and I couldn't keep it there. 2 time loser, DAM!

The mental game is KEY!!! Water is KEY!!! Whether choosing LCSF plan or the WW plan, or whatever plan, as long as it is healthy and you stick to it, the weight will come down!! Consistency, consistency, consistency....FOREVER!!!! All diets fail when they are that: a diet. It has to be a commitment to make those healthy changes and stick to them. Naughty foods, You are my NEMESIS!!!

So by the numbers, 3 week weigh in on WW, I am down 11 pounds!!!
